Saturday 17 October 2015

McDonald's Nanoblock Week 1

The anticipation is over! McDonald's Food Icons x Nanoblock collections are available in Malaysia! You can buy it with RM6 each of it with any purchase of foods and beverages. The size is about 1/8th and a total of seven types of it. These lil blocks look so fantastic and adorable. Quickly drop in and get all of it at the nearest McDonald before it sold out! The next coming collection will be available in 22 Oct 2015.
#McDonald's #McD #Nanoblock #BigMac #FrenchFries

For further information:

Monday 12 October 2015

Basketball For Life

Joy Team
This is the first time i joined the basketball competition in my life which organized by Curtin Basketball Club, and meet those awesome 'bros' ! We fight, we fought, we won and we lose. But, it was not the most important. Although we ain't the strongest team but not the worst. This ain't a team, is a brotherhood! (Quoted by: Darren) :) Thanks all of them and looking forward to the next Curtin Basketball League in the coming semester.

#throwback #joyteam #brotherhood #basketballforlife

It's ain't a team, is a brotherhood.

Why so serious? :)

No matter how much the pain and effort that paid off, it's worthy! :)

Saturday 10 October 2015


This is the first time experience for me to participate in TEDx talk, which first launch in Borneo Malaysia on 10 October 2015. Curtin Sarawak from Miri proudly able to organize it successfully. Throughout the conference talk, Student Council from Curtin Sarawak invited few big shots who are Daniel Devan (Co-Founder of Project WHEE!) ,Deborah Henry (Miss World & Universe Malaysia & Co-Founder of Fugee School) and the professional speakers from Curtin Sarawak.

The Stage

Miss World & Universe Malaysia

Curtin Student Performance

One of the topic shared by Speaker.